Title V Grant
"Pioneering Greater Access for Hispanic Students through Enhanced Student Support"
In the Fall of 2022 兔子先生系列麻豆, Wayland Baptist University proudly received the Department of Education's Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions (DHSI), Title V grant—a transformative, multimillion-dollar initiative spanning five years. Designed to expand educational opportunities and bolster academic achievement among Hispanic, First-Generation, and Low-Income students, the Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program provides important federal funding to institutions like ours.
Our Vision
At Wayland Baptist University, we are committed to "Pioneering Greater Access for Hispanic Students Through Enhanced Student Support." With the honor of becoming a Hispanic-Serving Institution, this grant has empowered us to extend our reach and elevate our support services for Hispanic, first-generation, and low-income students. Through our Title V program, we are dedicated to offering enhanced academic advising, professional development, retention support, and student success initiatives to improve achievements in the collegiate journey.
Services Offered:
- Title V Scholarships: Limited Availability
- Scholarship amount varies on the funds available for the academic year.
- Need to complete the WBU Application.
- "Bridge to Success" participants (past & present) are awarded this scholarship first.
- If funds are still available, Hispanic and/or First Generation students will be selected.
- Professional Development: Equipping advisors with holistic and culturally relevant approaches to improve retention and graduation rates for all students.
- Educational Workshops: Attending workshops, presentations, and conferences focusing on emerging practices and research relevant to Hispanic-Serving Institutions.
- Expanded Staffing: Increasing staffing levels in vital programs such as Mentoring Programs, Student Counseling Services, and Intercultural Education & Training, with a particular emphasis on outreach and retention for Hispanic, first-generation, and low-income students.
- Summer Bridge Program: Launching a specialized program to prepare First-Generation and/or Hispanic students for academic success and degree completion.
- And much more...
At Wayland Baptist University, our Title V grant is not just about funding—it's about producing real change and fostering an environment where every student can thrive. Join us in our commitment to pioneering greater access and support for Hispanic, First-Generation, and Low-Income students.
Jonathan Luna
Title V Grant Project Director
- Campus: Plainview, Texas
- Building: Gates Hall
- Phone: 806-414-3262
- Email: lunaj@wbu.edu
- CMB: 1309
Office Hours:
M-TH: 8:15 - 5:00
F: 8:15 - 4:00
Kimberly Sanchez-Tovar
Hispanic & Latino Serving Financial Aid Specialist
- Campus: Plainview, Texas
- Office: Financial Aid
- Building: Gates Hall
- Phone: 806-291-3520
- Email: sanchez-tovark@wbu.edu
- CMB: 1266
Ryiann Araujo
Disability Services Coordinator
- Campus: Plainview, Texas
- Office: Disability Services
- Building: Van Howeling Education Building
- Phone: 806 291-1057
- Email: araujor@wbu.edu
- CMB: 356
Office Hours:
M-TH 8:15 AM - 5:00 PM
F 8:15 AM - 4:00 PM
Karen Greer
Academic Coach/Testing Coordinator
- Campus: Plainview, Texas
- Building: Other
Alan Reyna
Enrollment Coach / La Familia Outreach Specialist
- Campus: Plainview, Texas
- Office: Office of Admissions
- Building: Gates Hall
- Phone: 806-304-6757
- Email: reynaa@wbu.edu